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Primary and Secondary Processing

Training Manual On Postharvest Handling And Marketing Of Horticultural Commodities

Abstract:- Fruits and vegetables are very important for human nutrition and health. A diet low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables, along with exercise and weight control can help prevent some diseases such as heart disease and some types of cancer. Many phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have a remarkable ability to disrupt the formation of tumors and in the prevention of other diseases. Phytochemicals have several modes of action, but many of them act as antioxidants. The authors hope that we were able to compile a Regional Base that included the most important postharvest technologies such as maturity indices, suitable harvesting timing, preharvest and postharvest handling of crops, fast cooling, preparation of facilities, packing, packaging, transportation, and storage. This training manual included more than 29 crops (vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals). A separate chapter was dedicated to the marking of crops which covered several topics; the most important of which is the quality of crops, quality assurance, and available outlets.
The authors hope that this training manual will contribute to the enrichment of the technical library from one side and be considered as a tool for farmers, handlers, sellers, and exporters to implement new methods in the production of high-quality crops, methods and timing for harvesting, handling, storage, necessary handling both before and after harvesting and finally to prepare the crops for local marketing and export.

Author/ Publication: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Download/Link:

Vegetable Postharvest Training Manual

Abstract:- Resource material for the training of trainers (TOT) programs on postharvest management of vegetables. Source of information for the crop-specific and technology specific training of end-users (TEU) programs for smallholders. Platform of information that can be used to design similar training courses and as reference material for research and education under developing country setting. References are provided as additional sources of information. It is essential to consult new information to ensure up-to-date knowledge of latest trends and continuously adapt and improve the training materials. Each chapter is presented concisely in bulleted form. Most chapters are linked to practical exercises. The practical exercises, including on-site trainings, provide participants actual experience of the theoretical component thereby reinforcing comprehension of the training topics. Practical exercises can be used to develop context-appropriate hands-on training packages for small farmer-learner programs. Information provided in this training manual should be shortened (telegraphic wording) and more visual images (pictures, caricatures, diagrams, etc.) should be incorporated in preparing the power point presentations for the lecture part of the TOT. Practical exercises must be carefully planned; needed materials should be prepared well in advance; and technological treatments (effects on fresh or processed product) for observation during the training should be set up at appropriate time before the training.

Author/ Publication: Antonio L. Acedo Jr. World Vegetable Center South Asia, India. Download/Link:


Abstract:- We know that pulses are necessary component of the human diet in world wide. In our country, approximately 13 million tons of pulses are produced annually and more than 70 % of these pulses are processed by dal mill. The Dal milling industry is one of the major growing industries. The demand of dal is growing day by day hence to meet this demand processing methods has been changed. Various conventional methods are adopted for milling and many machines are available but they are very huge and space consuming. For subsistence farmers cost of milling is unaffordable. A low cost milling machine can be used in dal mills which would help to reduce the cost. Such a convenient and low cost dal milling machine is being represented by us who will be also useful for subsistence farmers. Complete removal of the husk with less generation of powder and broken husks are the main characteristics of milling. Many numbers of trails are undertaken for milling to get optimum response. To increase its efficiency without compromising its parameters such as grinder speed, grit size, feed rate is an important aspect needed in milling industry. Hence we are representing such a dal mill which is compact in size and gives a better output rate than other systems.

Author/ Publication: IJARIIE. Download/Link:

Food Grain Machinery 

Author/ Publication: AICRP. Download/Link:

Post-Harvest Management of Pulses

Author/ Publication: IIPS. Download/Link:


Author/ Publication: CFTRI. Download/Link:

Community scale Small Millet Processing

Author/ Publication: DHAN Foundation. Download/Link:

Audio-Visual Manual on Community Scale Small Millet Processing

Author/ Publication: DHAN Foundation. Download/Link:

Guidelines for Setting up a Small Millet Processing Unit

Author/ Publication: DHAN Foundation. Download/Link:

Oilseeds Processing

Author/ Publication: Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering. Download/Link:

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