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 Protect us from Pesticides

Eat safe: 5 Simple DIY Ways To Remove Toxins & Pesticides From Fruits

Abstract: In this article, a few ways in which a lay person can do the cleaning at home are enlisted and elaborated. Fruits like berries, grapes, guava, peaches are consumed with their skins, which make it crucial for us to learn these cleaning techniques well.

Author/s: Vidya Raja. Year Of Publication: 2019. Download/Link:

How To Wash Vegetables And Fruits To Remove Pesticides

Abstract: This article explains the process of washing and cleaning fruits and vegetables to rid them of any pesticides/contaminants they may have been exposed to. 

Author/s: Sharannya Mukherji. Year Of Publication: 2021. Download/Link:

Removing pesticide from Fruits & Vegetables

Abstract: Explains how to remove pesticide from fruits & Vegetables. 

Authors/ Publication: Pratibha Rialch, Story - Centre for science & environment. Download/Link:

How to actually remove pesticide from fruits

Abstract: How to remove pesticide from apple.

Authors/ Publication: Tech Insider. Download/Link:

How to remove pesticides from your food

Abstract: Explains 3 healthy ways to remove pesticide from food.

Authors/ Publication: College of Naturophathic Medicine. Download/Link:

Protect children from pesticides. Visual facilitator's guide

Abstract: Elaborates about how to keep pesticides away from children & how wash after the use.

Authors/ Publication: FAO - 2015. Download/Link:

Eat safe: 5 Simple DIY Ways to Remove Toxins & Pesticides from fruits

Abstract: Wash your fruit before consuming it.

Authors/ Publication: Vidya Raja / Better India. Download/Link:

How to wash Vegetables and fruits to remove pesticides


Authors/ Publication: Sharannya Mukherji. Download/Link:


Broad Content: This instructional video shows the right way to wash and clean fruits to rid them of any residual pesticides. 

Organisers/Producers: Tech Insider


Year Of Publication/Release: 2018

How To Actually Remove Pesticides From Your Fruit

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